Top 10 Best IPL Knocks of Virat Kohli: There are very few players, to be specific, only six, to have played for the same franchise in all the seasons of the IPL. One of them is the Indian Test skipper, Virat Kohli who has represented Royal Challengers Bangalore right from the onset of the IPL. In 2008, when Virat Kohli was largely an unknown commodity, RCB had spotted the talent of the flamboyant Indian Under-19 skipper who had just triumphed the Men in Blue at junior level in World Cup to silverware in Malaysia.
And boy, hasn’t he thrived in all these years to reach the pinnacle of his game and thereby standing tall on the faith showed by the franchise on him. Now, RCB are cashing in the sweet fruits of retaining a player of his caliber who is right now one of the best if not the best batsmen in the world. Kohli is mind boggling, fantastic and phenomenal.
Today, we will take a look at the Top 10 Best IPL Knocks of Virat Kohli:
10. 57 runs v Chennai Super Kings (2012)
CSK was the best side of the IPL during its days in the league and scoring against them was regarded as the zenith of batting in the lucrative league. But for Virat Kohli, the run-machine there’s nothing beyond his reach. In 2012, VK partnered Chris Gayle in a 109 run second-wicket stand against CSK at their backyard. The Indian right-hander glittered with a knock of 57 runs which came off 46 deliveries and contained 5 fours and 2 maximums. RCB went on to post a gigantic total of 205 runs on the board.